
The Truth & Advice For All Your Automotive Needs

About Our Estimates

About Car Consultants

Welcome to Car Consultants. We are licensed NY Auto Damage and Theft appraisers. We provide damage appraisal. We are not an auto body repair shop. Our goal is to make sure that you get a fair and unbiased estimate for the repairs your car.

Photo Estimates are the latest procedure for damage appraisals. Simply take some pictures, email or send through an app, and within hours the insurance company provides an estimate with a cash payout.
These estimates are often not accurate.

If you already submitted one of these photo estimates, chances are the estimate you received is not accurate. Car Consultant’s Estimate Review will reveal how much more damage there potentially is. Upload your estimate and photos through our website, and we will provide our own estimate for you to compare.

If Car Consultants feels that the damage is too complex to be estimated by photos alone, we will reach out to you and offer other options such as a live video call or an appointment for an in-person estimate. If it is determined that there is additional damage on your vehicle, Car Consultants will work to get you paid by the insurance.

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